The Full Story
When people ask me, “How did your business get started?”, I usually laugh and begin with “In the land before time and the internet…” Actually, it was back when the internet was very young and the businesses I worked with (mainly agribusiness and nonprofits) had not begun transitioning to the digital world. I started helping businesses put software, equipment, systems and structures in place for operations efficiency and data and impact collection. And so, it began.
I was raising five children, working with several nonprofits and still working in agriculture when I decided I couldn’t do it all, so I took a job in community development where I could help lots of businesses and follow my passion. I loved my work in the Chamber of Commerce, Economic Development, and Main Street worlds and expanded to training for their boards, then into strategic planning, and growing to much more in a tri-state area.
I soon realized my real passion lay in how nonprofits make an impact for their communities, and how that played a part in overall community and economic development and thought, “Wow, what if I could help communities and their nonprofits come together to really make a difference for their citizens?”. So, finally in 2019, I re-branded and became Kimberly’s Business by Design, LLC – “Developing Your Success”. I’ve entered into key partnerships with other professionals that allow us to really immerse ourselves in and grow communities and strengthen nonprofits in ways we hadn’t before.
Since that time, we have helped communities launch many different successes, including broadband access, housing, and downtown development. We’ve been a key partner in many community-driven efforts including launching recovery centers and drop-in clinics and have executed numerous trainings for nonprofit leaders including board development, strategic planning, measuring outcomes, marketing, fundraising, grant writing and capital campaigns. We’ve designed elected officials’ training events for those currently serving and for those interested in looking at running for office. We have built many business partnerships to ensure our clients receive excellence in nonprofit leadership skills. We have completed organizational assessments and worked alongside other leaders to grow their businesses and communities. Key partnerships allow us to offer entrepreneurial programs which include business planning classes, education on small business loans, and more.